The Future of the World.

The Future of the World.

The future of the world rests in the hands of my generation. The generation of twerking, selfies, and being lazy. Let that sink in for a moment.

Now that it has, what are we going to do? We can’t have an abundance of people who can’t use the correct ‘your’ in a sentence running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

So what are we going to do? Why aren’t we funding the next generation of people to be in charge of the world? Why doesn’t my school get better funds so that I may have a better education, so I can help change the world?

Do you honestly expect me to succeed if you fund sport’s stadiums instead of libraries or schools?

Now that that’s out on the table, how can the generation of technology help the world?

I encourage all of my peers to share their ideas/opinions on social media.
This is a great way to do what you love, and to make a difference. You could create a blog or YouTube or anything, and share your ideas about anything you want to. Kind of like how I am with my blog. It gives you a voice when old people think you aren’t smart enough to have an opinion.

Be the change you wish to see in the world. -Gandhi


Five Tips for Your First Day of High School

Five Tips for Your First Day of High School


The much dreaded new school year is coming in, and it’s coming in fast.

So let’s all face it; the first day of any new school can be stressful, especially high school.

So here are my back-to-school tips from a former freshman to another.

1. Go to orientation.
I promise it will help you to get to know the layout of the school, and maybe even the chance to make new friends. (There might be food afterwards.)

2. Don’t let the “big kids” scare you.
Most of them are nice. I was scared to death of them, and now they don’t bother me.

3. Come up with your own study plan.
Today’s schools don’t teach every kid their specific way of learning. My advice would be to find out which way you learn best, and teach yourself from your notes. I found that I improved drastically when I just taught myself.

4. Make new friends.
I’ll be honest, it’s a miracle if you’re still friends with your friends from middle school by the end of the school year. So don’t be afraid to make new friends.

5. Eat lunch!
A lot of the kids I know don’t eat lunch or breakfast at all. They claim “the food is gross”, so they don’t eat it. I promise you that if you eat breakfast and lunch, your academic performance will be much better.

I hope you will put to use my tips for the school year.

Do Periods Really Sync Up?

Do Periods Really Sync Up?

I have heard from a lot of people that periods tend to sync up with girls they spend a lot of time with. So you and your mom could be synced or you and your best friend could be synced. You and your teacher could be synced.

I decided to test this theory by asking some of my closest friends and family I spend a lot of time with when they will get their next period and see if it
matches up with mine.

There is also a thing called alpha periods. One girl might start hers and the others will start theirs a day or two after. This only happens with close friends or family who live together. If you are living with a roommate you are not particularly close to, you probably won’t sync up. If you are living with someone you are close to, the probability of you syncing up high.

The alpha period is the girl whose period starts before everyone else’s and then the periods tend to come right after hers did.

I have a very close friend whom I have known since birth. Our periods are synced up. I got my period today which means she will get hers this week. So I have an alpha period. All my friends ask me when I’m on mine and it will usually means they will get theirs in the next few days or so.

So what do you think? Do girls have synced periods or is it just a coincidence?

More importantly, are we wolves? 😉

Let’s start a petition to start calling our periods moon sickness and our tampons cotton fingers.

Comment your thoughts down below.

Have a nice day. 🙂


Clothing Rules for Different Genders

Clothing Rules for Different Genders

I am going to say this once.

Boys, it is not my fault that you get distracted sitting next to me in math class simply because you can see my shoulders.

School district, what is so bad about my shoulders? What, are you going to make me wear a dress that goes to my feet and has no shape because I’m a girl and I have breasts and a bum and

“I will distract the boys”?

Since when is his education more important than mine?

If it is okay for a boy to wear a tank top to school it is okay for me to wear a tank top to school.

We should not have different standards for different genders.

Maybe we should just ban boys from going to school because their attractive faces distract me a good amount of the time.

Yes, that is how vacuous you sound school districts.

It is not my fault I was born with breasts and a bum. Stop body shaming us.



Girls and Sex Appeal.

Girls and Sex Appeal.

So there has recently been some contraversy over the issue of girls and sex appeal. Some think girls need to cover up more, and some think it’s their own fault they get raped because of what they wear. Others think it’s a mans right to do whatever he wants to a woman.

I personally think girls do need to cover themselves up a little bit more. Many young girls today and wearing VERY inappropriate things. If I can see your butt cheeks hanging out of your shorts, we have a problem. If your shirt shows more than half your belly, we have a problem. If your shirt shows all of your cleavage, we have a problem. Ladies, cover yourselves up! Why do you want to show yourselves like that?! The way you dress tells everyone a lot about who you are.

I am a 15 year old girl who has never, ever, ever, shown anything inappropriate like that. I believe my body is sacred, and should be treated as such. Pull up your shirts and get some longer shorts. RESPECT YOURSELVES.

Now, I’m not saying it is all the women’s fault. Men need to understand that women are not play toys. You cannot do whatever you feel to us. It is not okay to act on a women out of lust. Women are to be respected.

I have very high morals. I’ve never worn anything that would cause someone to think thoughts about me like that. I wear a tee shirt and jeans yet I have gotten comments from boys in my school.



Catchy Song or Evil Brain Washing Juju?

Catchy Song or Evil Brain Washing Juju?

So I’m pretty sure all of you have heard the song All about that Bass by Meghan Trainor.

Personally, I never did like it.

When Meghan says ” yeah my mama she told me don’t worry about your size, boys like a little more booty to hold at night”, I kind of felt like she was saying “your self-worth depends on what a guy thinks of you!”.  Like yes, please tell little girls that if they aren’t curvy and don’t have booty that no man will ever love them.

Meghan also dissed on skinny women in her song. She said “go ahead and tell them skinny b****** ” 

Her song should have been about the fact that all women are beautiful and your body shape doesn’t matter. Instead she said having a booty means a man will like you and skinny women are b******.

All in all I think Meghan should be banned from the music industry because her new song Lips are Moving” is about how all men are dirty liars.

*face palm*


Bathroom Anxiety

Bathroom Anxiety

I hope I’m not the only one trying to cope with this issue because this is a legitimate thing.

Bathroom anxiety. Everyone has it.

There are at least seven questions that run through your mind when you go to use a public bathroom.

1. Are people silently judging how long I’m taking to pee?  Are you measuring how long my pee is?

2. How often do they clean this toilet seat? – I am honestly disgusted at this thought, and really, how often DO they clean the toilet my butt is currently sitting on? Also, are butt germs a thing?

3. Can they hear me opening my tampon? I had this exact problem in the 6th grade when I had first gotten my period. My friend came to the bathroom with me (she had no idea because I was too embarrassed to tell anyone). So I started to open the wrapper and to cover up the sound I said “mmm what good candy”. Why I thought that pretending to eat candy while on the toilet was a good cover, I have no idea.

4. Do you ever make awkward eye contact with the person walking outside the stall?

5. Can the person sitting next to me see my underwear that are down around my legs?

6: Every time I am making my way to the restroom at school I wonder if the “popular” girls are in the bathroom taking mirror pics. I hope and pray that no one is in there, especially those girls.

7. I hope I’m not the only one who hears the person flushing while you’re washing your hands and just wipes your hands on your pants and quickly get out so you don’t have to have eye contact or an awkward conversation.

Basically I’m afraid to crap in public.


My First Blog

My First Blog

Hello, my name is Kaylee 🙂 I am currently a Freshman in high school and am experiencing life growing up in a small town.

I will probably blog about my life, my adventures, and my opinion on matters of the world.

I started this blog because I want to be able to express my thought and opinions. I thought it would be cool for people to hear what goes through a teenage girls mind on a daily basis. It might also be because I am a huge Sherlock fan and John Watson blogs about solving crime with his sociopath best friend.

I hope you enjoy my blog. 🙂
